Our team is standing by to answer any questions you have about our products. For general inquiries, please complete the form below and we’ll get back to you within one to five business days.

For more specific questions about sales, quotes, marketing, or technical specifications, please see our full list of contacts below.

Pioneer Transformers

612 Bernard Road
Granby, Quebec
J2J 0H6

Phone: 450-378-9018

Quotations and engineering

Quotation Manager

Sal Aiello
[email protected]
Phone: 905-625-0868 x26
Fax: 905-625-6859
2600 Skymark Avenue
Bldg 5, Suite #102
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 5E7

Sales agencies


S&D Marketing Ltd
Derek Johnston
[email protected]
Phone: 902-835-1532
Fax: 902-835-1402


Jordan Cohen
[email protected]
Phone: 514-825-2663
Fax: 514-745-8924


Pioneer Sales Office
Zubair Ayub
[email protected]
Phone:706-548-3121 x908

Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia

Chaz Sales
[email protected]
Dale Chastkiewicz
Phone: 306-501-8790
Darrel Chastkiewicz
Phone: 306-501-8808


Pioneer Sales Office
Zubair Ayub
[email protected]
Phone:706-548-3121 x908